+90 224 504 28 12 (TR)
Üçevler Mahallesi İzmir Yolu Cadde No:241/C Blok Westpoint D:32 Nilüfer, Bursa, 16120
Goal: The EduChampions project aims at nourishing edupreneurship and championing innovative, active, learner-centered pedagogy practices leveraged by a meaningful use of digital resources for learning, thus creating conditions to effectively address learners’ diversity and foster inclusive and equitable approaches in educational settings. The project recalls the crucial role of educators in driving and sustaining innovation and flexibility of opportunities in the VET ecosystem and beyond.
Project Results: Edupreneurs case studies, learning path, and online learning stations with a toolkit of learning resources.
Partners: Ikaslan Bizkaia (Spain), Mindshift Talent Advisory (Portugal) , Found.ation Maker's Place Private Company (Greece), Cardet (Cyprus), Disruptia (Spain), Training 2000 (Italy), Eurofortis (Latvia).