+90 224 504 28 12 (TR)
Üçevler Mahallesi İzmir Yolu Cadde No:241/C Blok Westpoint D:32 Nilüfer, Bursa, 16120
The Transnational Project Meeting of the Re-Cultural Heritage Project, which took place on 16-17th of May, took place in Spain. The partners of the project from Spain, Austria, Greece, Slovakia, Italy and Turkey participated in the meeting. During the meeting, important decisions regarding the project were taken and the tasks were shared among the partners. The project will take place between 01.11.2021- 01.11.2023 and it will last for 24 months.
What are the aims of the project?
Re-Cultural Heritage Project seeks to improve the cohesion of the local communities through educational paths that support the personal development of teachers, citizens and minorities towards employment and labor market integration. The intent is to build a strategy of economic and employment development linked to quality tourism and to underline the role that a proper appreciation of cultural heritage can play in the economic regional development.
The project aims to increase adult competencies related to job profiles especially in the social, touristic and artistic sector. To guarantee new approaches to better support competitiveness in order to fill the lack of job opportunities in these rural areas, that is pushing an entire generation in the major cities or abroad. It also aims to create networking activity on education, entrepreneurship, leadership and equal opportunities.
What developments took place and what decisions were made in the meeting?
Each partner introduced their organization by powerpoint presentations. It is agreed to have online meetings every two months. Glocal Factory, Giennova and AID had presentations of PR1, PR2 and PR3 European Framework Basic Skills Handbook of the project, which is divided into three sections; Introduction of the handbook, strategies and measures to revive tangible and intangible rural heritage. Dissemination plan of the project was presented by IGEA. Important decisions were made in the dissemination part of the project; Facebook account, Project Website, Newsletters, Stakeholder List, Consent form, Multiplier Events, and LTT will take place in the dissemination part. AID presented a Risk Mitigation Plan and Glocal Factory presented the Quality Assurance Plan. Hereby, important decisions and plans were made in the kick-off meeting.
After each partner made their presentations, the tasks were shared by making a joint decision. The partners left the meeting satisfied to discuss at the next meeting.